Support The Front Line

Sextuple Your Donation In case you haven’t heard, the 29-hour giveathon — Notre Dame Day — begins Sunday evening at 6:42 PM ET. But there’s no need to wait for the broadcast to make your donation. The site is open now and closes at 3:00 AM ET on Tuesday morning. Be as generous as you can. The […]
The Little Sisters vs. Notre Dame
On religious liberty, these women have something to teach the Fighting Irish. Wall Street Journal columnist and editorial board member William McGurn (ND ’80) declares the Little Sisters the winner and counts Notre Dame out in the Obamacare abortifacient/contraception battle. “Even with courts ruling against them and the threat of fines of $70 million a […]
A Gay Student Club At Notre Dome?
NOTRE DAME, IN — Notre Dame has in the past resolutely denied repeated petitions by faculty and students for inclusion of “sexual orientation” in its non-discrimination clause and for official recognition of a homosexual/lesbian student club. It responded to these petitions instead by adopting its praiseworthy “Spirit of Inclusion” declaration of non-discrimination and by providing a host […]
Seperation of Faith and Reason
NOTRE DAME, IN — In our last bulletin we gave you the account of major fault lines in the Catholic identity of the University by two 2012 graduates and Irish Rover principals. In this bulletin we bring you the perspective of a prominent long-time member of the faculty, Professor Alfred Freddoso. In the next bulletin, we will […]
Claire Gillen Cousino at this year’s Sycamore Annual Breakfast at Alumni Weekend. NOTRE DAME, IN — In this bulletin, we bring you the perspective of two knowledgeable 2012 graduates on the Catholic identity of Notre Dame. In the concluding Notes, we turn again to the litigation over the contraception / abortiacient / sterilization mandate. The […]
(Mis)Reading and (Mis)Representation
NOTRE DAME, IN — Over 150 Notre Dame faculty call for Bishop Daniel R. Jenky’s resignation as a Notre Dame Fellow and Trustee upon their doctored version of a homily by Bishop Jenky in which he criticized President Obama’s incursions on religious liberty. In a letter to Fr. Jenkins and Board Chairman Richard Notebaert, over 150 Notre […]
Back Off, You Monsters!
SOUTH BEND, IN — We are relieved to report that we are not alone in drawing unfriendly fire for calling attention to fault lines in Notre Dame’s Catholic identity. Herewith a somewhat agitated, shall we say, unedited message from a Notre Dame professor to TFP Student Action about its disclosure that a Notre Dame department has listed pro-abortion organizations as […]
Here, Just Don’t Use Them
SOUTH BEND, IN —The Obama administration intends to force Notre Dame and other Catholic schools to become enablers for student fornication.While Father Jenkins nevertheless maintains his silence, a Notre Dame professor speaks up: “The immorality of birth control is no longer a teaching of the Catholic Church.” The contraception mandate for students. In a notice […]
Silence Isn’t Golden
SOUTH BEND, IN — In this bulletin we respond to the criticism of an alumnus and highlight recent developments in the contraception controversy — including the strange silence that has fallen on Notre Dame and Father Jenkins’s bootless talks with the White House. “I resent your right wing political rant. Your monologue is hate- filled […]
Bleep, Country, Notre Dame
SOUTH BEND, IN — In this bulletin we discuss the Obama Administration’s odious regulation requiring employers other than churches, including Notre Dame, to make available to their employees insurance coverage for abortifacients, sterilization, and contraception. Under intense pressure from the Catholic bishops and a host of other religious and political parties including Notre Dame, President […]