Every year at our Annual Breakfast during Reunion Weekend we recognize undergraduates who have made an outstanding contribution to strengthening Notre Dame’s Catholic identity. The award comes with a donation made in their names to a campus group of their choice.
This year’s recipients are Mackenzie Kraker, ’19, and James Martinson, ’19. You can hear about their experience at Notre Dame at our Annual Breakfast — either in person or online.
Mackenzie Kraker, ’19 Jim Martinson, ’19
Mackenzie Kraker, ’19
Mackenzie, who has just graduated, was the president of the ND chapter of the Militia of the Immaculata this past year and a Sorin Fellow of the Center for Ethics and Culture. The daughter of two ND graduates from Columbus, Ohio, Mackenzie will enter the Echo graduate theology program of the Institute for Church Life in the fall.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”wgMWm036w-E&rel=false” width=”640″ height=”480″ anchor=”Immaculata Video”]
James Martinson, ’19
Jim, whose home is in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, is also a member of the class of 2019. An Economics major, Jim was a Sorin Fellow of the Center for Ethics and Culture and last year’s president of Students for Child-Oriented Policy (SCOP), the post from which he led a nationally prominent anti-pornography campaign (see below video).
Annual Breakfast @ Reunion 2019
We are pleased to announce that Fathe Miscamble will be the principal speaker our Annual Breakfast on Saturday morning, June 1. He will discuss Father Hesburgh’s “Ambitious Life” and “Conflicted Legacy,” in the words his book’s subtitle, and he will be joined by the two recipients of our 2019 student awards for outstanding contributions to the Catholic identity of the University, Mackenzie Kraker and Jim Martinson, both 2019 graduates, who will speak of their experiences as Notre Dame students.
[su_button url=”https://staging.sycamoretrust.org/breakfast/2019″ target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#AA0000″ color=”#AA0000″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]MORE INFORMATION[/su_button]