Thank you!

We are delighted to welcome you to our Apostolate! Be on the lookout for an email with additional details. As a member, you’ll receive regular updates and resources from Sycamore Trustee Father John Raphael, ’89, to support your participation in our prayer initiatives throughout the year.

In the meantime, we invite you to include a special petition for the authentic Catholic renewal of Notre Dame in your morning prayers. And, if you attend daily Mass, please consider joining us in spirit by praying the Memorare after Mass on the last Saturday of each month.

A Common Purpose
Your Generosity Fuels Our Work

Please consider supporting our common purpose with a one-time or sustaining gift. Our work relies entirely on the generosity of our donors.

Become an Ambassador
Introduce us to your classmates

We have a simple process for helping you to identify and reach out to your classmates (and others you know) about our work and the urgent need for it.
