Books, Documents and Other Readings of Interest
Only when faith and reason embrace in harmony can the human spirit rise to the full heights for which God has destined it.
Faculty Address (11.11.05) at Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Academic Freedom and Catholic Character (01.23.06)
Academic Freedom and Catholic Character: by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Closing Statement(04.05.06) On Academic Freedom and Catholic Character by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Common Proposal (04.05.06)
of the College of Arts and letters and Fr. Jenkins by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Faculty Address (01.23.06)
at Leighton Concert Hall, DeBartolo Performing Arts Center by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Student Address (01.24.06)
at Washington Hall by Fr. John I.Jenkins, C.S.C
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Ex Corde Exxlesiae (08.15.90) Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Higher Education by Pope John Paul, II
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United States Conference of Catholic Bishops An Application to the United States
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News Alert (03.28.06)
‘Vagina Monologues’ on Catholic Campuses Decline for Third Straight Year by Cardinal Newman Society Media Relations
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News Alert (04.05.06)
Response to University of Notre Dame Statement on Academic Freedom by Cardinal Newman Society Media Relations
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Contending With Modernity Catholic Higher Education in the Twentieth Century
Oxford University Press 1995 by Philip Gleason
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Catholic Higher Education A Culture in Crisis
Oxford University Press 2006 by Melanie M. Morey & Johbn J. Piderit, S.J.
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The Sacred and the Secular University Princeton University Press, 2000 by Jon H. Roberts & James Turner
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The Soul of the American University
From Protestant Establishment to Established Nonbelief
Oxford University Press 1994 by George M. Marsden
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Quality With Soul
How Six Premier Colleges and Universities Keep Faith with Their Religious Traditions
Wm B Eerdman’s Publishing Publishing Co. 2001 by Robert Benne
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The Dying of the Light
The Disengagement of Colleges and Universities from Their Christian Churches
Wm B Eerdman’s Publishing Publishing Co. 1998 by James Tunstead Burtchaell
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O’Malley of Notre Dame
University of Notre Dame Press 1991 by John William Meaney
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God on the Quad
How Religious Colleges and the Missionary Generation are Changing America
Ivan R. Dee, Publisher, 2006 by Naomi Schaefer Riley
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I Alone Have Escaped to Tell You
My Life and Pastimes
University of Notre Dame Press, 2006 by Ralph McInerny
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The Vagina Monologues: V-Day Edition
Villard; Revised edition 2000 by Eve Ensler
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The Vagina Monologues DVD HBO Home Video 2002 by Eve Ensler
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Mission Statement
Strategic Plan 2010 (Fulfilling the Promise)
Dean’s Report 2005
Bylaws Constitution of the University (see Faculty Handbook below)
Academic Articles
Congregation of the Holy Cross Constitutions
To download the complete Faculty Handbook: click here
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As we collect credible research and special reports that are relevant to the mission of Project Sycamore, we will post them with short introductions to our web site.
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