NDDay 2022

Get behind the students who stand tall for the Truth of Catholicism and fight daily for #NotreDame's Catholic mission #NDday through midnight Apr 25 #GoCatholicND Share on X

Vote for Catholic Identity

In case you haven’t heard, the 29-hour giveathon — Notre Dame Day — is underway with early giving and will end at midnight, Monday, April 25, 2022. This is an opportunity for members of the Notre Dame community and others who value the school’s formative mission to get behind the student organizations that are on the frontline fighting for Our Lady’s Catholic identity.

Your gift to Notre Dame Day is tax deductible, counts toward your Football Ticket Lottery eligibility, and will help the organizations you support compete for a variety of Challenge Funds. You can give to multiple organizations and help them all — or single out your favorite.

The causes we have recommended in the past are listed below with a donate button that will take you to the proper donation page, a description of the organization, and a short video where available.

BeLoved Discernment Community

Accompanying women on the road of religious discernment

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/beloved-discernment-community-bldc” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to BeLoved Discernment[/su_button]

Filii Mariae/Children of Mary

Promoting traditional liturgy and prayers of the Catholic Church

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/filii-mariae-children-of-mary” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to Filii Mariae[/su_button]

Identity Project of Notre Dame (idND)

Catholic student club and organizers of the Edith Stein Conference

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/identity-project-of-notre-dame-idnd” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to idND[/su_button]

Jus Vitae

Notre Dame Law School’s Right to Life Club

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/jus-vitae-association-of-the-notre-dame-school-of-law” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to Jus Vitae[/su_button]

Knights of Columbus, Council 1477

Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/knights-of-columbus-notre-dame-council-no-1477″ target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to Knights[/su_button]

Militia of the Immaculata

To lead every individual with Mary to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/militia-of-the-immaculata” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to Immaculata[/su_button]

Notre Dame Liturgical Choir

Official choir of the 10am Solemn Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/liturgical-choir” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to Liturgical Choir[/su_button]

ND Right To Life

Upholding the dignity of all human life

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/right-to-life” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to NDRTL[/su_button]

Students for Child-Oriented Policy (SCOP)

Uplifting the dignity of children through anti-porn and pro-marriage events

[su_button url=”https://notredameday.nd.edu/organizations/students-for-child-oriented-policy” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to SCOP[/su_button]

A Note about The Irish Rover

We should note that The Irish Rover is not listed because it is not an official Notre Dame club. You can, of course, make a tax-free donation anyway here.

[su_button url=”https://irishrover.net/donate-to-the-irish-rover/” target=”blank” style=”ghost” background=”#b39316″ color=”#b39316″ size=”9″ radius=”0″]Give to The Rover[/su_button]


