
Notre Dame’s Student COVID Vaccination Mandate

.@NotreDame's COVID mandate requiring students to be vaccinated with an emergency vaccine while continuing to allow faculty and staff to choose for themselves raises serious ethical questions #GoCatholicND Click To Tweet

The university is requiring all students, except those exempted for “documented” religious or medical reasons, to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition for attendance in the fall, while faculty, staff, and campus service employees remain free to choose for themselves.

This requirement raises issues relating to Notre Dame’s Catholic identity because of the vaccines’ link to abortion and the Church’s instruction that ordinarily the taking of these vaccines “must be voluntary.” It is telling that a respected bishop (and adjunct Notre Dame law professor) has declared that Notre Dame’s policy, if strictly applied, would be “immoral.“

There have also been legal objections to student mandates. Florida has just banned them, and, as we have discovered but the university will not acknowledge, a law firm contacted by Notre Dame students has pressed those objections upon Father Jenkins. While we take no position on the legal issues, we provide the letter because it relates many of the facts pertinent to the ethical questions. 

Here are the details:

The Mandatory Vaccination Policy

In an April 7 letter to students, Father Jenkins announced that, because “a high rate of vaccination is critical in the local, national and global fight against COVID-19,” 

Notre Dame will require all students…to be fully vaccinated as a condition of enrollment for the 2021–22 academic year. We will, of course, accommodate documented medical and religious exemptions.

Similar policies have been adopted by about 220 colleges and universities, including 17 Catholic schools. These numbers, while meaningful, are quite small compared to the several thousand colleges and universities in the country and the 221 that are Catholic

As the split indicates, opinion is divided. For example, the American College Health Association “recommends COVID-19 vaccination requirements for all on-campus college and university students,” whereas the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons warns:

Although, at first glance, the policy may seem prudent, it coerces students into bearing unneeded and unknown risk and is at heart contrary to the bedrock medical principle of informed consent. 

Church Teaching

Both the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and the USCCB have issued statements about the COVID-19 vaccines. The USCCB statements (U.S. Bishop Chairmen for Doctrine and for Pro-Life Address the Use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine and Moral Considerations Regarding the New COVID-19 Vaccines) were authored by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades (Notre Dame’s bishop) and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, the chairmen of the committees on doctrine and pro-life activities, respectively.

They addressed the moral issue raised by the link between the vaccines and abortion. An embryonic stem cell line derived from an abortion was used in the testing of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and also in the production of the Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca vaccines. 

Both the CDF and the bishops concluded that the connection of the vaccines to abortion was sufficiently remote for Catholics to take them in good conscience. 

However, both the CDF and the bishops held that ordinarily the vaccination should not be compulsory. The CDF put it this way: 

[P]ractical reason makes evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.

The Religious Conscience Exemption

Because we cannot tell at this point how the University will apply the religious exemption, we simply note our hope that it will be granted to any student who declines vaccination because of the connection of the vaccines to abortion. Both the CDF and the bishops contemplate such objections “for reasons of conscience.”

The Broader Objection

The broader objection to this sort of the mandate is that there is insufficient warrant to compel anyone to take a vaccine that has not yet been approved by the FDA and has only Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). 

The concern is that, while there has been sufficient testing for to show that benefits outweigh known risks, it has not been enough for FDA approval, and consequently unknown serious side effects in addition to those already known cannot be ruled out. 

In these circumstances, unsurprisingly, a great deal has been written about both the known and the possible medical hazards of the vaccines. See, e.g., “The Leprechaun has no clothes” and Frontline Doctors.

While the government authorities have pushed back, polls show that a significant number of people remain unconvinced. 

The question, then, is whether the anticipated benefit of requiring all students to be vaccinated (save those excepted for religious or medical reasons) justifies exposing concerned students to the possible health risks of the vaccines. 

The Most Rev. Thomas Paprocki, bishop of Springfield, Illinois, and adjunct professor at the Notre Dame Law School, and Professor Gerard Bradley of the Law School have stated the case against the vaccine mandate in an illuminating letter to the Notre Dame Observer, which we reprint in the Appendix below with the permission of The Observer. 

Here us a summary of the letter, which we hope will lead you to read it in full: 

  • The vaccines have not been approved and are still experimental. Accordingly, the CDF declaration that vaccination, “as a rule…must be voluntary” applies with special force. “Participants in a medical experiment should be volunteers, even in a public health crisis.”
  • “[S]everal thousand Notre Dame students have already tested positive for the coronavirus. They are naturally immune to the disease and have no need for the vaccine.”
  • “[C]ollege age students…rarely experience severe symptoms.” “The Notre Dame Dashboard . . . reports no hospitalizations so far for COVID-19 pneumonia.”
  • “Many Notre Dame students will thus reasonably judge that they risk more from the vaccine than they do from the coronavirus…. In fact, for a…typical Notre Dame student, the chance of a severe reaction to the vaccine is several times higher than the chance of having one after contracting COVID.”
  • Permitting students to choose “would not be unfair to others in the campus community.” The unvaccinated would understand the risk they assume, and they would “pose no appreciable risk to those who do choose to get vaccinated.” Whatever risk there might be “should be regarded as negligible (certainly against the background of risks imposed and accepted…in sports, driving and other ordinary incidents of campus life.)”
  • The goal of achieving “herd immunity…would not be imperiled by making student vaccinations truly voluntary.” [Over 90%of students are already vaccinated, and the university recently reported the “incredibly good news” of a “significant decline in case numbers…down to a 7-day average of 1.4 cases/day and a 7-day positivity rate hovering around 0.1%.”]

We leave to the Appendix the authors’ discussion of the religious and medical exemptions, which they urge be interpreted to cover any objection on grounds of conscience or unwillingness to risk adverse effects. 

They conclude: 

[A]ny undertaking to exclude from campus every student who declines to be vaccinated — especially but not only those who already possess a natural immunity — would be immoral.

Legal Questions

Lawyers differ on the legality of vaccine mandates, while state legislatures consider regulation and Florida has just banned mandates in schools and elsewhere because of the “experimental” nature of the vaccines.

We take no position on the legal issues, but because of the inquiries we have received and because the legal objections turn in part upon the same considerations as do the ethical objections, we asked Father Jenkins if, as we had heard, he had received a law firm letter challenging Notre Dame’s policy. 

He did not respond. 

No matter. The law firm has given us a copy of the letter, and we reprint it in Appendix B hereto.

The letter opens with the representation that “[n]umerous [Notre Dame] students…have reached out regarding Notre Dame’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate,” and continues with a detailed description of the medical uncertainties associated with Emergency Use Authorization and the other facts they maintain support the conclusion that:

Notre Dame cannot lawfully require students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine that is being distributed under an EUA.


The university has worked diligently through this difficult period to provide students as close to a normal educational experience as possible, and, so far as we are concerned, it is entitled to considerable deference in these matters. 

Still, the Paprocki/Bradley letter raises hard questions to which there are no easy answers. And the judgment of a respected bishop (and Notre Dame Law School adjunct professor), joined by one of he law school’s ablest professors, that the Notre Dame policy is “immoral” is telling.

Nor is there a credible counter from the university. As we have noted, in announcing the mandate, Father Jenkins simply referred to the need to tamp down the virus across the nation and in the world, passing the inconvenient fact that none of the authorities in the “local, national, and global” effort have mandated vaccination. 

And the university’s citing of its several vaccination requirements for deadly diseases like smallpox are beside the point, since they relate to approved vaccines. 

Nor does the university explain why, if there is a compelling need to vaccinate all students, including those with natural immunity from prior infection and those living off campus, there is no need to vaccinate all faculty, staff, and support and service personnel who people the campus daily.

Perhaps circumstances will change by fall so materially that the university will lift or substantially modify the mandate. Oremus!

Appendix A

COVID vaccines at Notre Dame

Letter to the Editor | Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Appendix B

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21 Responses to “Notre Dame’s Student COVID Vaccination Mandate”

  1. Oops that second post should read:

    GO is not in COvid vaccines but it is being considered for use as an as an Adjuvant :

  2. Will it take some legal action to get the CDC to finally address the issue of COVID 19 and iron deregulation?
    God only knows :

    “— a protein compound that stores iron in your tissues — can accumulate under your skin. As a result, you may notice yellow, brown, or black staining or a bruiselike appearance. Stains most often appear on the lower leg, sometimes covering the space between your knee and ankle.
    The excess iron is deposited in the cells as hemosiderin. This eventually leads to cell death and replacement of these cells by a fibrous deposition that causes destruction or impairment of organ function. Hereditary hemochromatosis occurs
    in homozygotes with a mutation of the hemochromatosis gene (HFE) protein.”

    I speculate, due to iron deregulation and Pray that once the proper balance of FURIN and Hepcidin are restored, the proper balance of Iron will be restored.

  4. Good News!

    “Notably, COVID-19 has a peculiar prognosis in severe patients with iron dysregulation and hypoxia which is still poorly understood. Studies have shown abnormally low serum iron levels in severe infection but a high iron overload in lung fibrotic tissue.”

    -Iron in COVID-19 and reciprocal evolution of … – PubMed

    But perhaps a treatment that may be beneficial?

  5. J.M.J. › 34997606

    “Notably, COVID-19 has a peculiar prognosis in severe patients with iron dysregulation and hypoxia which is still poorly understood. Studies have shown abnormally low serum iron levels in severe infection but a high iron overload in lung fibrotic tissue.”

  6. › 34997606

    “Notably, COVID-19 has a peculiar prognosis in severe patients with iron dysregulation and hypoxia which is still poorly understood. Studies have shown abnormally low serum iron levels in severe infection but a high iron overload in lung fibrotic tissue.”

  7. The question is, if exposure to Covid 19 increases one’s level of HEPCIDin causing iron deregulation and you have low HEPCIDIn levels to begin with causing iron deregulation, and a build up of iron in tissue and possibly in various organs, the vaccine targeting the Spike Protein Of Covid 19, which mimics HEPCIDin and includes the addition of a FURIN receptor, could lead to lower HEPCIDin levels and for those who have low HEPCIDin levels to begin with, could potentially cause serious harm.

    “Covid-19 super-dodgers might have a genetic edge over people who got sick. The discovery of a DNA variation that protects them could help develop better drugs and vaccines.”

    Who knew that both Covid 19 and the vaccine have the potential to cause iron deregulation?

  8. In this month of June, dedicated to The Sacred Heart Of Jesus, It is important to note that a deficiency or excess of iron can result in a greater sensitivity to radiation.

  9. J.M.J.

    “Oh what a tangled web!” No wonder there are rumblings of a foreseen “virus”, in the works! Surely there is enough evidence now to understand that iron deregulation by systemic targeting, regardless of reference point, is not the answer to maintaining health and fighting disease, when the proper balance of FURIN, Hepcidin, and thus iron is key:
    “Even if selective inhibition of individual PCSKs can be achieved, systemic long‐term inhibition will most likely have detrimental effects, as PCSKs are required for the activation of hundreds of cellular substrates. Thus, local applications such as targeted treatment of tumors or topical treatment of bacterial and viral infections may be more feasible than systemic therapy. Finally, the ability of tumor cells or pathogens to evolve resistance or evasion mutations remains poorly investigated. For example, several substrates such as dengue virus prM harbour suboptimal furin target sequences and may optimise their cleavage sites upon therapy to enable sufficient cleavage in the presence of inhibitors.”

    “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”, is true, but only if you are starting from the same reference point.

    If The University Of Notre Dame’s Administration is serious about being a top notch Research University, while being a “Force for Good”, they must begin with respect for the inherent Dignity of the human person as a beloved son or daughter from the moment of conception, for every beloved son or daughter, from the moment of conception, is Created In The Image Of God, The Ordered Communion Of Perfect Complementary Love, equal in Dignity, while being Complementary as a beloved son or daughter, Willed By God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), worthy of Redemption, Called to live our lives in Loving relationship, in communion with The Ordered Communion Of Perfect Complementary Love, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity.(“Let US Create man in OUR Image”- Genesis, In The Beginning) If you do not start there, you are no different than the powers that be, those atheist materialist over population alarmists globalists who are not only attempting a Coup d e’tat across the globe, but dare to attempt a Coup d e’tat In Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic Church, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), by denying The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, making it appear as if it is possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesial Communion.

    “It is not possible to have Sacramental Communion without Ecclesial Communion”, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), for it Is “Through Christ, With Christ And In Christ, In The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, (Filioque), That Holy Mother Church, outside of which there is no Salvation, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, (Filioque), exists.

    We can know through both Faith and reason rightly ordered to everything that is True, Beautiful, and Good, that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, and thus The Author Of our inherent Right to Life, to Liberty, and to The Pursuit Of Happiness, the purpose of which can only be, what God intended, thus we can know that the powers that be, who desire to redefine the very essence of Love, of Life, and of Marriage, are working in the capacity of the spirit of anti Christ.

    We, who desire, with each day, to renew our Baptism promises, must not be afraid to speak God’s Truth with Love while always remembering, “To whom much has been given, much will be expected”, and there is no greater Gift, then The Catholic Faith.

    At the heart of Liberty Is Christ, 4For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5Have moreover tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come…”, to not believe that Christ’s Sacrifice On The Cross will lead us to Salvation, but we must desire forgiveness for our sins, and accept Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy; believe in The Power And The Glory Of Salvation Love, and rejoice in the fact that No Greater Love Is There Than This, To Desire Salvation For One’s Beloved.
    “Hail The Cross, Our Only Hope.”

    It has always been about The Marriage In Heaven and on Earth.

    “Blessed are they who are Called to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.”

    Perfect Life-affirming and Life-sustaining Love does not divide, it multiplies, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, (Filioque), as in The Loaves And Fishes.
    And that, dear friends, is True.

    Pray that The Church Militant, which consists of only True Shepherds, in communion with Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque) will bring back The Charitable Anathema, which, in The Spirit Of Perfect Life-affirming and Life-sustaining Love, has always existed for the sake of Christ, His Church, all who will come to believe, and all those prodigal sons and daughters, who, hopefully, will soon return to The One Body Of Christ, outside of which, there is no Salvation, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost.

    Dear Blessed Mother Mary, Mirror Of Justice And Destroyer Of All Heresy, Who Through Your Fiat, Affirmed The Filioque, and thus the fact that There Is Only One Son Of God, One Word Of God Made Flesh, One Lamb Of God Who Can Taketh Away The Sins Of The World, Our Only Savior, Jesus The Christ, thus there can only be, One Spirit Of Perfect Complementary Love Between The Father And The Son, Who Must Proceed From Both The Father And The Son, In The Ordered Communion Of Perfect Complementary Love, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity (Filioque), hear our Prayer that A True Pope, and those Faithful Bishops In Communion With Christ and His Church, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, will do The Consecration Of Russia to your Immaculate Heart, exactly as you requested, visibly separating the counterfeit church from The True Church Of Christ, and affirming The Filioque. Although at the end of the Day, it is still a Great Mystery, It is no Mystery, that we exist, because God, The Communion Of Perfect Love, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Exists.

    “Come Holy Ghost!”

  10. Why systemically targeting FURIN Through a Vaccine is never going to work in maintaining health and fighting disease.

  11. I am not an expert on well, anything, but I do know how to use my critical thinking skills, something that separates artificial intelligence from human intelligence.

    No one seems to be responding to what I feel, at the very least, should have been a consideration when creating a vaccine to systemically target the Spike Protein of Covid 19.

    The Spike Protein of Covid 19 mimics Hepcidin. If it is true that Furin regulates Hepcidin, which regulates Iron, the proper balance which is necessary for maintaining health and fighting disease, and if it is true that The difference between Cov1 and Cov 2 is the addition of a furin receptor on the spike protein which makes Cov2 more contagious than Cov 1 and would also affect hepcidin levels to a greater degree (there most likely would be your gain of function), based upon what we know about both FURIN and hepcidin, it seems only logical to assume that both Covid 19, which has the potential to cause hepcidin deregulation, and the vaccine, by targeting the Spike Protein Of Covid 19, which mimics hepcidin and includes a FURIN receptor, which also has the potential to cause hepcidin deregulation could conceivably, in certain susceptible individuals, result in iron deregulation, and disease.

    Were is the evidence that these vaccines were tested to make sure that in certain individuals they would not cause either FURIN deficiency or Hepcidin deficiency, or both, for that matter?

    Can someone please help me understand what I am missing? Is FURIN not both a lock and key?

    Thank you in advance.

  12. The Spike Protein of Covid 19 mimics Hepcidin. Since it is true that Furin regulates Hepcidin, which regulates Iron, the proper balance which is necessary for maintaining health and fighting disease, the first step is to determine whether or not the makers of the Vaccine knew that targeting the Spike Protein of Covid 19, which included a Furin receptor for a lengthy period of time could lead to furin deficiency, that is instrumental in various diseases as well as possible hepcidin deficiency, which can lead to the build up of iron in various tissue. This is a different issue than the fact that OWS, DOD, and HHS, do not have the authority to create new Law or violate the Law regarding the mandating of experimental injections that do not provide immunity or stop the spread of disease, nor provide protection from possible injury due to the fact the vaccine manufacturers have been released from liability, and no one has the ability to give informed consent due to so many unknowns. These vaccines remain experimental because no one has tested the risk/benefit in regards to the deregulation of iron, or FURIN, which, because each persons level of Furin, Hepcidin, and Iron may differ, a Law Of General Applicability cannot possibly apply because the experimental injection does not “provide the same benefits or impose the same obligations”, for each individual. “For only if the problem is seen in perspective can we see its solution in perspective.” -FDR Hemochromatosis and the plague | American Association for the Advancement of Science Regarding the not so distant “sequence similarity between hepcidin and the novel coronavirus spike glycoprotein”. : ‪‬ Furin which regulates hepcidin is both a ligend and a receptor: ‪‬ ‪‬ ‪‬ And because Furin regulates Hepcidin, which regulates Iron, it is important to note: ‪‬ Therapeutic inhibition of furin, page21 “Even if selective inhibition of individual PCSKs can be achieved, systemic long‐term inhibition will most likely have detrimental effects, as PCSKs are required for the activation of hundreds of cellular substrates. Thus, local applications such as targeted treatment of tumors or topical treatment of bacterial and viral infections may be more feasible than systemic therapy. Finally, the ability of tumor cells or pathogens to evolve resistance or evasion mutations remains poorly investigated. For example, several substrates such as dengue virus prM harbour suboptimal furin target sequences and may optimise their cleavage sites upon therapy to enable sufficient cleavage in the presence of inhibitors.” Question, where in the trials did they consider the toxic effect of targeting the spike protein through an unknown period of time, and furthermore, do you think this information in this article is valid and if so, how does it relate to the validity of a Vaccine Mandate from a true scientific, ethical, and constitutional interpretation?

  13. Ferroptosis, a regulated non-apoptotic cell death, is characterized by overwhelming lipid peroxidation in an iron-dependent manner (Dixon et al., 2012; Stockwell et al., 2017). It was identified firstly in 2012 by handling tumor cells with the chemical probe erastin (Dixon et al., 2012). › full
    Ferroptosis, a Regulated Neuronal Cell Death Type After Intracerebral

    Furin protects epithelial cells from DSS-induced ferroptosis-like cell injury and alleviates experimental colitis by activating the Nrf2-Gpx4 signaling pathway.
    Reference: Furin inhibits epithelial cell injury and alleviates .

  14. A Vaccine Mandate, does not follow The Law Of General Applicability in regards toCOVID 19, as both the virus and the vaccine have the potential in certain susceptible persons to cause iron deregulation and thus disease, thus it is only logical to assume that restoring the proper balance of furin, which regulates hepcidin, and thus iron, in these susceptible individuals will be key because the proper balance of iron is necessary for both health and fighting disease. “Furin converts various proproteins to mature proteins,. It plays a role in post-translational modification of hepcidin, a liver peptide hormone that regulates systemic iron homeostasis. Increased hepcidin synthesis limits intestinal iron absorption, whereas hepcidin deficiency promotes iron absorption. “ Effect of iron overload on furin expression in wild-type and …

    Therapeutic inhibition of furin, page21
    “Even if selective inhibition of individual PCSKs can be achieved, systemic long‐term inhibition will most likely have detrimental effects, as PCSKs are required for the activation of hundreds of cellular substrates. Thus, local applications such as targeted treatment of tumors or topical treatment of bacterial and viral infections may be more feasible than systemic therapy. Finally, the ability of tumor cells or pathogens to evolve resistance or evasion mutations remains poorly investigated. For example, several substrates such as dengue virus prM harbour suboptimal furin target sequences and may optimise their cleavage sites upon therapy to enable sufficient cleavage in the presence of inhibitors.”
    See -Therapeutic inhibition of furin
    Question, where in the trials did they consider the toxic effect of targeting the spike protein through an unknown period of time, and furthermore, do you think this information in this article is valid and if so, how does it relate to the validity of a Vaccine Mandate from a true scientific, ethical, and constitutional interpretation?
    Hopefully, for most people, once the time of Covid 19 and the vaccine has faded into the distance, their immune systems will restore the proper balance of furin, hepcidin, and thus iron. For those most susceptible to iron deregulation, however,
    every medical research lab at every University should be working together to come up with the best solution to restore the proper balance of furin, which regulates hepcidin, which regulates iron, the proper balance of which is necessary for both health and fighting disease, while recognizing that it is never proper, nor is it ever necessary to destroy innocent human life to save a human life, because every human life possesses equal human Dignity.

  15. Steve Martinek '71, '74 (earlier times and values) March 19, 2023 at 7:29 pm

    Was Nancy in a cave or a coma? This “train” left the station and has run over our Catholic values including the fiduciary duty of loco parentis on behalf of the University owed to students and parents. The Jenk, et al, have never been held accountable, and will never be held accountable, because they are in league and lockstep with the progressive Left Ivy League, secularists both in irrational covid-phobia, and in exerting maximum control upon students to co,erce them, at every issue, to properly “virtue-signal” that Notre Dame is not merely “in the world” but enthusiastically “of the world.” Has there been some newor recent development? On this site I believe there has long been consensus that the “vaxx” is ethically and morally deficient because of the use of fetal cells (in development or testing) and the lack of studies showing long-term effects or its composition not being a true vaccine but an experimental gene therapy.” Beyond that college-aged students are not at all sufficiently at risk to even consider a mandate. Thus singeth this choir…Steve

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