V-Monologues Despoil Easter Week

NOTRE DAME, IN – Bishop D’Arcy denounces Father Jenkins’s decision to permit the Vagina Monologues Easter week.

It is with profound regret that we report that Father Jenkins, having authorized multiple student performances of The Vagina Monologues, has also permitted those performances to take place during Easter Week. They are to be held on each of three evenings beginning this Wednesday. Nor is this designed to be a subdued affair viewed by the relative handful that is called to mind by Father Jenkins’s insistence that the forum be a “classroom.” It turns out, according to the publicity in the South Bend Tribune, that the “classroom” will seat 450 persons. “The performances are free and open to the public,” the announcement proclaims. “Seating will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.”

We will report later on what happened during this appalling intrusion into this sacred time. Here, we provide Bishop D’Arcy’s powerful indictment of Father Jenkins’s decision, together with an account of this unhappy episode in Our Sunday Visitor, the Catholic newspaper that has long been a leading organ of the Catholic press. Notre Dame’s action is receiving widespread attention.

This is a good example:
Bishop D’Arcy’s statement 
Our Sunday Visitor

This alarming disjuncture between University and Church, together with the secularization of the faculty that is the heart of the problem, underscores the need to gather together all concerned members of the Notre Dame family. We strongly urge that those who share our views redouble their efforts to tell others what is happening and how they can help by joining our mailing list and our petition. And we urge also that those of you who are able to contribute financial support do so. The greater our resources, the more effective we will be in reaching the countless alumni and others of the Notre Dame family who do not realize that Notre Dame’s Catholic identity is seriously at risk.

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