We are pleased to report that, because no Academic Department was willing to sponsor “The Vagina Monologues” this year, the organizers are now planning to move the production off campus. However, according to the account in The Observer, the play’s spokesperson said that the Sociology Department “agreed to sponsor the play every other year – which ensures that a performance will take place on campus next year.” Accordingly, we will continue to gather signatories in opposition to future on-campus performances of this work.
The many who have signed our petition should know that we submitted it to Father Jenkins on February 5th. We explained that we were e-mailing the petition even as the number of signatories mounted because we “wanted to voice our concern before sponsorship is accorded.” We expressed the hope that “in a break with the past, no department will sponsor the play,” but in that case, we noted, “our petition will be on record for next year, since presumably a group of students will then renew their efforts to join their counterparts at secular universities in this annual event.” Our hope has been realized, though evidently so, too, will be our prediction.
While this development is welcome, we note that it is unrelated to the fundamental problem relating to Catholic identity, namely, the dramatically shrinking Catholic presence on the faculty. We will continue to devote careful attention to that issue, while reporting as well on significant collateral matters such as the Monologues.
We thank you once again for your interest and support, and we again urge you to forward information about Project Sycamore to everyone you believe might be interested.
Project Sycamore Steering Committee
Richard V. Allen (’57, ’58)
Dr. Daniel M. Boland (’56, ’61)
Timothy M. Dempsey (’89)
William H. Dempsey (’52)
Dr. John A. Gueguen, Jr. (’56, ’58)
George L. Heidkamp (’52)
Amelia Elizabeth Marcum (’04)
Joseph A. Reich, Jr. (’57)
Dr. Susan Biddle Shearer (’88)
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