Taking a stand for Catholic values at Notre Dame

Merlot Fogarty discusses her experience as a pro-life advocate on campus and explains why she felt compelled to challenge the university’s academic freedom policy by organizing the recent protest against the school’s first drag show.

“Abortion Doula” at Notre Dame

Notre Dame continues its controversial six-part series on “Reproductive Justice” featuring speakers who advocate for abortion and promote ideologies hostile to the truth of Catholicism.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

[bctt tweet=”Where are the Fighting Irish when the Church needs them? @NotreDame has yet to take a swing at the gross misrepresentations in the PA Grand Jury Report. #GoCatholicND” username=”sycamoretruts”] The Pennsylvania grand jury report that has reignited the clerical sexual abuse issue with a vengeance is just the beginning. So far, thirteen additional states have […]

McCarrick Redux

[bctt tweet=”Why does Fr. Jenkins stand with Georgetown and not Catholic University, Fordham, Portland, St. Bonaventure, Sienna, and New Rochelle in rescinding the honorary degree bestowed on Theodore McCarrick? #GoCatholicND” username=”sycamoretruts”] [Editor’s note: After Fr. Miscamble’s  article was published, Fr. Jenkins issued a second statement on the sexual abuse issue that we will discuss in a […]

Notre Dame Ducks!

[bctt tweet=”Once again @NotreDame ducks, this time during the most important crisis the Church has faced in a long time, the sexual abuse calamity. #GoCatholicND” username=”sycamoretruts”] As it becomes ever clearer that the McCarrick episode is at the epicenter of the sexual assault tumult, Father Jenkins’s decision to leave in place the Archbishop’s honorary degree […]

Millstone II Alumni Analysis

Late Saturday night in American time zones, two English-language websites published the 11- page “testimony” of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016. The testimony is an unprecedented indictment of senior Church officials for conspiring to enable the now-disgraced former Archbishop of Washington, D.C., Theodore McCarrick, to […]