Join The Fight

Organizing resources, people, and prayer to keep Notre Dame Catholic.

For Our Mother

Loyal sons and daughters don’t abandon their suffering Mother. Nor do we! Sycamore Trust came about as a result of a series of high profile scandals at Notre Dame coupled with the belief that these scandals were symptomatic of something more sinister under the Dome and the natural instinct of Notre Dame alumni to rally for the good fight. Our projects are all aimed at engaging more and more alumni and friends of Notre Dame and organizing more and more resources in the fight for her heart and soul. 

Take Action

Learn what’s going on at Notre Dame that undermines her Catholic identity and who’s fighting back. 

Open Letters

Add your signature to one of our open letters that press Notre Dame to act in line with its Catholic mission, 

Join our apostolate to pray for Notre Dame and those who fight for her Catholic identity.

Join your gift with others to strengthen our collective resources in the fight for authentic Catholic renewal at Notre Dame.