GO, IRISH Rover!

On Monday, the Notre Dame student publication The Irish Rover was vindicated and Notre Dame professor Tamara Kay was routed when Indiana Supreme Court Senior Judge Steven H. David categorically rejected each and every allegation by Kay of defamation by the Rover in its reports on Kay’s pervasive pro-abortion actions.

Taking a stand for Catholic values at Notre Dame

Merlot Fogarty discusses her experience as a pro-life advocate on campus and explains why she felt compelled to challenge the university’s academic freedom policy by organizing the recent protest against the school’s first drag show.

Notre Dame Women Object!

Notre Dame women student object to the planned drag show on campus organized by the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre.

“Abortion Doula” at Notre Dame

Notre Dame continues its controversial six-part series on “Reproductive Justice” featuring speakers who advocate for abortion and promote ideologies hostile to the truth of Catholicism.

Prof. Tamara Kay Offers Student Abortion Help

Abortion Part I In this bulletin, we begin a series about pro-abortion and pro-life developments at Notre Dame in the wake of the Supreme Court decision returning the abortion issue to the state legislative branches and the consequent Indiana legislation restricting abortion. Notre Dame’s “Abortions Rights Expert” at Keough We begin with a deeply disturbing pro-abortion […]

Notre Dame’s Conscience du Jour

In a stunning move, Notre Dame has just taken back the claim it made through years of litigation, in protest of the Obamacare mandate, that it couldn’t in conscience consent to the provision of abortifacients and contraceptives to its employees by its health plan administrator. That is now precisely what it is going to do. NOTRE […]

“Regulation of Birth” at Notre Dame?

[sta_anchor id=”top”]Notre Dame has not accepted the exemption from the Obamacare abortifcient/contraception mandate made available by the Trump administration but instead has notified its employees that they will continue receiving free abortifacients and contraceptives in 2018 from the administrator of the university’s health insurance plan. There is time for Notre Dame to change its mind […]

On Whose Shoulders Then Do We Stand?

  Father Bill Miscamble, C.S.C., files a dissenting opinion from Dean John T. McGreevey’s characterization of yesterday’s Notre Dame as “mediocre,” as we do from his declaration, without visible means of support, that today’s Notre Dame is “more Catholic” than it was fifty years ago under Father Ted Hesburgh NOTRE DAME, IN – Alumni who tire […]

Game, Set, and Match to Father Jenkins

  Father Jenkins’s censure of Senator Feinstein for her questioning Notre Dame law school Professor Amy Barrett’s qualifications to serve as a federal judge because of her Catholic faith was spirited and telling and a credit to the university. NOTRE DAME, IN – Good for Father Jenkins! His indictment of Senator Diane Feinstein (D. Cal.) […]